[Oracle Debug] 實現用regexp_substr分解資料成多個欄位

Posted by RedPanda56 on 2022-06-17

* 目標


SELECT '1^^2' AS temp_value
FROM dual

* 使用regexp_substr (方法1)

WITH temp AS
    SELECT '1^2^3' AS temp_value
    FROM dual
SELECT regexp_substr(temp_value, '(.*?)(\^|$)', 1, 1) AS aa
    , regexp_substr(temp_value, '(.*?)(\^|$)', 1, 2) AS bb
    , regexp_substr(temp_value, '(.*?)(\^|$)', 1, 3) AS cc
FROM temp

* 輸出結果

aa bb cc
1 2 3

* 使用regexp_substr (方法2)


WITH temp AS
    SELECT '1^^3' AS temp_value
    FROM dual
SELECT regexp_substr(temp_value, '(.*?)(\^|$)', 1, 1) AS aa
    , regexp_substr(temp_value, '(.*?)(\^|$)', 1, 2) AS bb
    , regexp_substr(temp_value, '(.*?)(\^|$)', 1, 3) AS cc
FROM temp

* 輸出結果

aa bb cc
1 3

* 使用regexp_substr (方法2 改良)

WITH temp AS
    SELECT '1^^3' AS temp_value
    FROM dual
SELECT regexp_substr(temp_value, '(.*?)(\^|$)', 1, 1, null, 1) AS aa
    , regexp_substr(temp_value, '(.*?)(\^|$)', 1, 2, null, 1) AS bb
    , regexp_substr(temp_value, '(.*?)(\^|$)', 1, 3, null, 1) AS cc
FROM temp

* 輸出結果

aa bb cc
1 3

#oracle #SQL

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